Bullitt Center Tour – Heavy Inspiration
While in Seattle Christy and I toured many of the city’s iconic buildings. What stood out the most was the tour of the Bullitt Center – a building billed to be the “greenest building in the world”. Bold statement … I like bold! I have a deep admiration for those who want to kick “normal” or “the proven way” right square in the nut sack.
Gluelam beams, exposed wood ceilings, bright open spaces, simple and minimalistic architecture sprinkled with technology where required. This building wasn’t just a candy shop of gadgets and gizmos—it was a building filled with good engineering practices and simple strategies.
I am bringing all of this great stuff home so we can chat about it with the team. I hope they are up for unfinished floors, open wooden ceilings, and low embodied energy of wood—but am I missing something? Why don’t we see more buildings like this?