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A Bit of Space Planning Inspiration…

[Working remotely from Ireland.]

Our design team has been busy, so Dennis recently asked me to lend a helping hand with a bit of programming and space planning. I did this professionally for over 5 years, so it’s been a while – but man, it comes back quickly!

I had a blast envisioning the space and how I would use it and walk around in it. The program is thick and juicy and don’t forget FUN! There’s a yoga studio, childcare facility and restaurant all on the first floor… brainstorm rooms where you can write on the walls, a games room, rooftop patio and even an indoor slide…woohoo! I could really imagine myself enjoying the atrium with all the natural light and a beautiful living wall.

At the end of the exercise, I created a ‘space planning inspiration’ document that captured all of our hopes and dreams. I see my role as the owner representative. I took all the ideas from Dennis, Christy and the client team, then added in a few ideas of my own. I offered a few layout options that would hopefully maximize energy efficiency (work within the square box), as well as several images for interior spaces and possible furniture. Nothing is set in stone; everything is merely capturing our dreams. This is an iterative process, and some things will likely be dropped due to budget, but you have to start somewhere that inspires you. I hope this document inspires the design team.

Excerpts from planning inspiration document:

“Environments can be used not just to represent cultural values but also to inspire them” –Scott Doorley & Scott Witthoft, authors of “Make Space”



Website: EcoAmmo


Stephani Carter, LEED AP, EcoAmmo

Stephani is all about the action and proving that Edmonton can build incredibly aesthetic buildings while being respectful of the environment they occupy. Steph is passionate about making sustainability a fun and engaging endeavor.

She’s the subject-matter expert in green building-rating systems, and facilitates group discussions to ensure that it’s the cutting edge, cool, sustainable project it’s supposed to be. Her company is going to be one of the first tenants, so she brings a user perspective to the table.

Stephani is somewhat of a collector of all things cool, but has a penchant for things that are old. As a young lady, she always dreamt about restoring historical buildings to be cutting-edge eco-friendly, or retrofitting classic cars with emission-free engines.

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