Notes on the Project: Flower Power
Drawing on the excitement from the design discussion yesterday, I decided to just take a look into orchids, three-petal flowers and the Fibonacci sequence, etc. This is what I would do if I were on the design team— I couldn’t help myself— on my own time, of course.
What I found was VERY interesting. In several ways the orchid references many of the design goals of this project.
The orchid is:
1. Possibly one of the oldest plants on the earth— potentially 100 million years’ old (orchids would have coexisted with dinosaurs, perhaps even earlier).
Referencing longevity in its simple design
2. Found on all continents except Antarctica
Referencing replicability all over the world.
3. Composed of both feminine and masculine aspects. Specifically, the top of the flower is very feminine in shape and direct visual look, while the root base; often called ‘testicles’ as there are two bulbs, is very masculine.
Referencing a balance between masculine and feminine.
4. Representative of the Fibonacci sequence in terms of the flower’s shape.
5. One of the most diverse flower species in terms of shape and colour.
Referencing adaptability to local areas when thinking about replicability.
6. Self-pollinating (not relying on bees, but works with them too)
Referencing self-reliance, self-sustaining.
There are so many ways this design idea works! I think I’ll share this with Dennis and Christy.
Website: EcoAmmo